Saturday, May 26, 2007

To Death with Love

Dear Death,

Tell me something I don't know about you?
That you are a cause of our tears, sadness and sorrow.
We mourn because you exist.
That you never fail to meet us at the end of it all,
Or, is it you that has ended it for us.

You are part of the destiny, the path and the cycle,
of Birth, Life, Death and Rebirth.
Death. The Anti-Climax, a sudden halt to all that is alive.
The point they say "your life flashed past ur eyes"
The expected ending, that undermines our purpose.
For what we live if we should die?

Or we lived to die to live again.
The heavenly realms, so they speak, for the good,
And the the fury of hell for those who've sinned.
If death is eternal, then better dead than alive.

You are the truth of life,
Because through death, we know we lived.
If we live only for a day,
What would we be doing today?
If everyone lived everyday like their last,
We could be living in a world of love.
Or we could be complaining about what we did not have
on our last day, everyday.

We can't fight You, Death,
But Rockstars live forever.


Sincere condolences to all who loved Wayne, drummer of rockband The Suns.

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