The Gaia hypothesis is an ecological hypothesis that proposes that living and nonliving parts of the earth are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism. Named after the Greek earth goddess, this hypothesis postulates that all living things have a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment that promotes life overall.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_hypothesis#Lovelock.27s_initial_hypothesis
Last weekend was full of surprises on the Island of Tioman on the Eastern side of Malaysia, off the coast of Mersing Jetty, South China Sea.
We headed to Golden Mile to catch an early morning bus at 6.30am, sped through a bowl of mince meat noodle in 5 mins, and set off full of energy on the 40 seater bus.
3 hours into the Journey, we were already dozing off in the bus. Suddenly, there was a scream, "AAAhhhhh...!!!" and then *BAaMm*!!!?!!
We thought someone was knocked and rolled over by the bus!... Fortunately, no one one was hurt, the bus had ramped itself into the back of a Taxi, and then the taxi continued to hit the car infront. Hehe... we sent a message home to buy the 4-Digit Lottery for the number plates. *Uffff* Didn't strike...
So, we ended up with the bus at the police station, and waited for the replacement bus to take us to Mersing Jetty. Luckily, we got there just in time for the boat at 1.30pm.
The Boat ride was another hell round of fun! The sea was rough and the boat was crashing into every waves. WE would have been soaked if not for the existence of sliding windows on that boat.
Everything was then back to being normally nice as we reached the island, and found a good dwelling place for rest, less the attack of the Baboon. Yeps, the Baboon came to our hut and attempted attack with a snare at us. It tried also to sneak over our balcony. AND, it came back in the middle of the night to scream at us from outside the hut, and turned over all our trash!!! Very agressive is this Baboon.

Until the next morning where we missed the Snorkel Boat Trip! *Ufff* So we thought we would rent just the equippments and go swimming at the beach. And we did. Was actually quite an adventure swimming out into the unknown.
Suddenly we started to see some beautiful fishes.. and more fishes. So we snorkelled and swimmed and laughed and giggled and smiled...
And SUDDENLY!!!*!!!*!!!* We spotted something that was AS BIG as I was. WOW!! They were bluish and a rustic green in colour, making them look like they have swam to shore from the Ancient depths of the OCEAN... and then there were more of them... 1, 2, ....3, ... As fast as there appeared, they disappeared. These humungous Bumphead Parrot Fishes (or Giant Parrot Fish) were cruising along and feeding on algae and corals.
We hit the beach a second time that day. And swam out the same. Suddenly, we spotted them again! This time we decided to swim along with them a while more. We were thrilled... There were 7 of them! We watched them from a distant and realised they were spawning around us as there was a timed release of a cloud of "something" over the corals... :P They were pretty harmless as far as we know it, but still we stopped breathing everytime they took a turned and swam nearer to us.

Well... The 7 Magic Fishes...
Everytime I go for a trip out of town, dive, parties in the the forest, just getting closer to nature, or getting closer to people, meeting people... I feel deep within me, the heart beat of Gaia. That the world at large makes one so small, yet as part of an entire system, all that exists is needed and of vital importance. We are both predator and prey in the world of competition, survival, and war is at the epitome; but we are also functions to the system of Gaia, as a whole pulsating organism in Homeostasis, interconnected, part of a single entity, and with a universal identity of Gaia's existence in the realms of Space.