Wine and Cheeeese
It's lovely, wine and cheese.
Having an extended Sunday evening, and putting the blues away. I had set out to catch Harry, but as expected, the cinemas were packed and full. So plans changed, had dinner and shopping instead. I wasn't that much into shopping as with my other babes. Took a brief glance and decided it's enough.
Along Orchard Rd, there's currently an exhibition to promote development towards a sustainable earth. Beautiful pictures of places in the world that you can't even dream about. Captioned to highlight the very real problems this earth is facing. No cheesy go green rubbish, pure auturistic analysis and views. I got the same picture book for my birthday. I was excited to see it blown up and pasted along the streets. I hope everybody not just look at pretty pictures and think about holidays. Please if you could, read the caption and know what the picture is trying to present. (Yann Arthus-Bertrand ~ EARTH FROM ABOVE)
The earth is so beautiful you simply can't bear to hurt it. And the way I look at it, most people can appreciate mother nature for the very fact we are part of nature. Inevitably, we are nature's creation. This recognition probably is what draws us to it.
Yet I am also doubtful about conservation. Perhaps trying to preserve something, may be just more hindering than helpful. But we cannot allow the destruct we cause that's eminently indicative of the end.
So, it is important to understand our prorities and environmental's impact on us. As a human race, we depend on nature's resources for our very existence, and that to develop self-sustaining rejuvenation of these resources may just be our path to the higher evolvolution.